Warsaw Confidential

Polish Roots, American Dreams: The Marta Krupa Interview

June 20, 2024 Marta Krupa Season 1 Episode 29
Polish Roots, American Dreams: The Marta Krupa Interview
Warsaw Confidential
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Warsaw Confidential
Polish Roots, American Dreams: The Marta Krupa Interview
Jun 20, 2024 Season 1 Episode 29
Marta Krupa

In this episode of Warsaw Confidential, Polish-American singer and model Marta Krupa shares her journey from a challenging upbringing in the U.S. to living her best life in Warsaw. Marta discusses the struggles of creating her own identity away from her sister's shadow and the hardships of entering the music industry. She opens up about her childhood experiences, the influence of her Polish heritage, and her aspirations in the entertainment field. Marta reflects on her personal growth, the importance of believing in oneself, and the value of love and family. The conversation dives deep into the challenges of maintaining relationships in the social media age, the cultural differences in the entertainment industry, and her future plans both personally and professionally.

00:00 Introduction to Marta Krupa's Journey
01:17 Life in Warsaw and Polish-American Identity
02:17 Career Beginnings and Inspirations
07:59 Modeling and Showbiz Experiences
10:01 Personal Growth and Overcoming Challenges
25:40 Songwriting and Creative Process
26:46 Living in Poland and Music Style
30:07 Navigating the Music Industry
31:02 Challenges and Realities of Pursuing Music
34:02 Balancing Fame and Personal Well-being
36:25 The Importance of Self-Belief and Resilience
42:11 Navigating Relationships and Personal Growth
53:38 Future Aspirations and Personal Development
57:02 Final Thoughts and Farewell

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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode of Warsaw Confidential, Polish-American singer and model Marta Krupa shares her journey from a challenging upbringing in the U.S. to living her best life in Warsaw. Marta discusses the struggles of creating her own identity away from her sister's shadow and the hardships of entering the music industry. She opens up about her childhood experiences, the influence of her Polish heritage, and her aspirations in the entertainment field. Marta reflects on her personal growth, the importance of believing in oneself, and the value of love and family. The conversation dives deep into the challenges of maintaining relationships in the social media age, the cultural differences in the entertainment industry, and her future plans both personally and professionally.

00:00 Introduction to Marta Krupa's Journey
01:17 Life in Warsaw and Polish-American Identity
02:17 Career Beginnings and Inspirations
07:59 Modeling and Showbiz Experiences
10:01 Personal Growth and Overcoming Challenges
25:40 Songwriting and Creative Process
26:46 Living in Poland and Music Style
30:07 Navigating the Music Industry
31:02 Challenges and Realities of Pursuing Music
34:02 Balancing Fame and Personal Well-being
36:25 The Importance of Self-Belief and Resilience
42:11 Navigating Relationships and Personal Growth
53:38 Future Aspirations and Personal Development
57:02 Final Thoughts and Farewell

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Want to learn the secrets of storytelling from someone who has used them to achieve remarkable success? Whether you’re an entrepreneur, coach, creative professional, or simply someone who wants to improve their communication skills, this masterclass is for you. Click here to find out more ›››



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Marta Krupa: When I first started out in the show business in Poland, people are like, Oh, her sister, her sister, her sister. I have an identity and I have a name and I have my own personality and I have my own views on life and views on the comparison. It makes no sense.  

Kamal: Tell me about like the most difficult thing that you struggle with when it comes to music...

Marta Krupa: you can't just rely on music alone, basically.

That's like the hardest thing, you know, they say when you're an empath, you tend to attract narcissists and there are narcissists that kept appearing into my life. And I was just like, what is going on? These are such deep conversations, but I love it. I feel like I'm in therapy. 

You realize who the true people are in your life when you go through your darkest moments when you go through Hard times those are the people you want to stick with I was six years old and my mom was throwing me a birthday party And she invited all of the students from my class and I had balloons my mom ordered pizza And I was just looking out the window waiting for the kids to show up and not one [00:01:00] kid showed up.

When my mom left, Poland to go to America, she only had 200 and we didn't have much growing up. Mom and I, we were just cleaning like homes and offices to make a living. So.

Kamal: Today, my guest is Marta Krupa, a talented Polish American singer and model born and raised in the U. S. She is now living her best life in Warsaw. We're excited to find out about her experience, inspiration and challenges. If you like what we do here, please subscribe. It means a lot to us. And thank you for supporting the show.

Marta, welcome to the show, Warsaw Confidential. 

Marta Krupa: Thank you for having me. 

Kamal: I love when I ask you about, send me your bio so we can do some research. And you said I'm a Polish American, born and raised, and living my best life in Warsaw. 

Marta Krupa: Yes, I actually, [00:02:00] my mom, she was pregnant with me in Warsaw, in Poland.

So I would have been born in Poland if she didn't make that decision to move to the U. S. But I was born in Chicago, but yes, Polish American, and I'm proud, and now I live here, isn't that crazy? 

Kamal: It's beautiful. It's so crazy. 

so let's go back in time a little bit, and I want to know about you growing up as a Polish American in the U S. 

How was that experience? 

Marta Krupa: you know what? When my mom left, Poland to go to America, she only had 200 on her. she wanted to be closer to her sister, to my grandma, and, to the rest of the family. So she didn't, because of the communism and everything like that, she wanted to just basically escape and go to America and be close with her family.

and we didn't have much growing up. We, actually, my mom worked in the factory. From morning to night and my father was also Still in poland because he couldn't [00:03:00] come to the us at that time And then my mom and I we were just cleaning like homes and offices to make a living so it was challenging it was very hard at first, but It I I loved it.

I loved every little bit of it because it's molded me and made me who I am today. And I'm very grateful. Like you get to enjoy the small, simple things. And I remember as a kid, like, you know, I, my mom was so busy working and then my dad eventually came and, you know, pretty much learned how to cook on my own and just enjoying nature, being out in the forest and, you know, not having much as a kid and you don't really need a lot to be happy.


Kamal: So, with that influence to your identity as a Polish American, would you always, like, had this feeling of missing Poland, that one day you want to be in Poland or come back to Poland? 

Marta Krupa: Poland was always very close to my heart. I just never really [00:04:00] imagined myself living here. To be honest with you, I was actually surprised that I picked up and moved here.

Everybody was like, Whoa, what are you doing, Marta? Like out of all, like everyone in the family, like you're pretty much the only one that like was willing to like take that big leap of faith and like move to a different country, to a foreign country all by yourself with your dogs. Like that is so brave and courageous of you.

And I actually, I'm Yeah, I've always had it in my heart. I just never knew that I was going to live here to be honest with you. It wasn't my plan. I, you know, I didn't think that was going to happen. And that's why I always say never know what tomorrow brings. Never say never because I am here now. So, 

Kamal: so tell me about the first day.

I'm pretty sure you were like coming and going back before you decided to move back here. So I want to know that, like, take me back to the day. When you came to Poland, like, how did you feel? 

Marta Krupa: Well, I used to come here when I was younger [00:05:00] and then, my sister had her wedding here and that was, and then after that I was visiting Poland, and I was here for like two months and it felt good.

It felt great. It felt good. Wonderful being in a different country, learning new things. Cause you know, there is a little bit of a difference living in America and living in Poland, but it's just, I find it so fascinating because if I can live here, I can live anywhere else in the world. And, but when I would come and visit, I was like, you know, I would love to experience it more and to be able to.

dive deep into my culture and to see how it is living here on a daily basis. But of course, I had to bring my dogs with me because I could not imagine my life without them. And it would have been so difficult leaving them behind. So I'm like, you know what? Why not just do it? You have nothing to lose.

You got to go for what you want, or at least try, because if you don't try, you'll never know. Does that make sense? Yeah, 

Kamal: it does make sense. I'm like, well, that's true. You know, I only [00:06:00] ask this question because when I came to Poland, you know, as I was a student, an intern, I did feel very, I don't know how to describe this thing.

It was very spiritual. It is almost like I said, Oh my God, I belong here. So, but I think you share a similar, experience. 

So let's talk a little bit about your career. What inspired you to pursue a, you know, a singer? And modeling slash modeling career. 

Marta Krupa: You know, it's so crazy. since I was a little girl, I always envisioned myself being on the big screen, being on television, I would come home from school and watch music videos like pretty much all day until I got yelled at for finishing, you know, I got to finish my homework and then I could watch my music videos, but it always inspired me, to want to do music.

It always did. When I was a little girl, we would do like little, little music videos. Home videos at home [00:07:00] when my mom and when my parents were at work and they had no idea what was going on. Like we even had like little, we did like a show called the little troublemakers and I was one of the troublemakers.

So I just, I was always a creative person since I was a little girl. I've always had like such a wild imagination and with music I was so drawn to it and I loved it so much, but you know, growing up we didn't have the finances to be able to. You know, go to dance lessons and go to voice lessons, to pursue it.

And I was also a little girl that didn't know for sure what it is. I want it in my life. Cause I love doing everything. I'm like, I, my friends call me multidimensional. Cause like, you're like, you love cooking. You love singing. You love dancing. You love acting. You love everything. Like, what is it exactly that you want to do?

So. Growing up I just was like a regular kid in school. I just went to school. I played a lot of sports. Sports were, like, was my thing. I was like a big tomboy growing up. So I didn't get into the [00:08:00] modeling until I was like 17 and a half, 18. And my sister started doing it when she was 13. She knew right away she wanted to be a model.

She's like, I'm gonna be a supermodel, okay? And I'm just like Well, at least she's figured it out. I'm still trying to find, you know, what it is I'm supposed to do. So I flew out to LA, started living in California, and then I started pursuing modeling, which was A great experience because it opened me up. I started developing more as a woman.

I was very shy as a kid I didn't like a lot of attention on me. So I would always hide Like I was in theater in school And then once I went up on stage people were like wow, who is that girl? Is that this shy quiet girl in school that does not say one word? You know, I was very very shy And I can still be shy sometimes.

but Yeah, I did the modeling. I've appeared on a couple of swimsuit cover magazines, Also out of my comfort zone, you know going from a tomboy into [00:09:00] blossoming into this woman, you know trying to be confident and everything. So that was a great experience. So I did the modeling for a little bit So I've appeared on a couple of magazines internationally, which a lot of people don't know.

I also hosted a TV show in South Africa. I had a role in an indie film in the U. S. So that was fun, too. So I, at least, I was able to experience all of these things I've always wanted in my life. So I got into that, and then after that I kind of took a huge break from the show biz. So I was also in Poland.

I did Dancing with the Stars in Poland and this was like in 2010, 2011. And then after that, I was like, okay, maybe I just need to take a break. But there's, there are reasons behind it. but yeah, and now I'm back into it. So, and, I feel a lot stronger, more confident. I feel more worthy [00:10:00] of myself. 

I had a lot of work to do on my self esteem as a kid growing up, being bullied.

that was one of the things that I had to deal with as a child, a lot, with kids in school, always making fun of me. So that's why I was also very shy in school. they didn't. I don't know why, but I just always had bad experiences with other, you know, I had an issue actually when I was, at, I was six years old and my mom was throwing me a birthday party.

And she invited all of the students from my class to come to my birthday and I got dressed up like in a little like Dress which I didn't want to because I hated wearing dresses And I had balloons my mom ordered pizza And I was just looking out the window waiting for the kids to show up and not one kid showed up so that really affected me as a child like being more introverted and not wanting to Not [00:11:00] caring about having a lot of friends So basically I was that's why I know we just went from that to that but like 

Kamal: it's 

Marta Krupa: just crazy seeing the transition like me pursuing the music right now and and Recording music and doing music videos and and pursuing other things as well in the show biz.

It's just I, I, I call it purposeful fame because I find that I want to do something good with it. I want to be, you know, an inspiration to other people. I want to motivate others. I'm not doing it for attention. I'm not doing it for like, for people to look at me. I do it because I want to do it from the heart because I want to inspire and help other people.

And that was always something since I was a little girl. my mom always taught us, treat others how you want to be treated. And I always remember that. And I remember having a little journal and it just said, I just want to get to a point in my life where I can just help the world. I can make it a better place.

And that was like, [00:12:00] so motivating for me. And I found that journal not too long ago, a couple of years ago. And I was like, but I'm doing it. I'm actually doing it right now. So proud of myself. 

Kamal: So what is it you're trying to what's your message? Why are you doing this? Like, is there anything, a philosophy or a message you're trying to deliver to the world?

Marta Krupa: Sometimes you just feel like, it sounds very strange to say it, but you know, sometimes you feel like you might be one of the chosen ones. Like you might be one of the, the people that are supposed to be a good role model and to help others. And I always felt it in my heart, in my spirit, I was always connected.

I'm a very spiritual person as well. So I'm, you know, very close to God. I, I believe in the universe, you know, I, I just, I feel like that's just my mission on this planet. It's not trying to be mother Teresa or anything like that, but I, I think that's part of, that's my purpose is to be that, you know, to [00:13:00] give back to the world.

Like not expect anything but to just give 

Kamal: can you share like a memorable memorable moment from your music career? Like a day where you felt truly inspired and powerful if I may 

Marta Krupa: Oh my god when I was on this morning talk show I actually had my first like live performance like it was on live tv And I was like, I cannot believe i'm doing this like the shy little quiet girl from school.

That was just So timid and introverted is coming out of her shell and evolving like a butterfly. It's like, who is this person? And I believe, I strongly believe I've always been that person. I just didn't know how to like open up about it. 

Kamal: So what's the role of or before we we go to that 

Marta Krupa: and I'm sorry and also also performing live on Dancing with the Stars That's the thing like I that was like crazy for me [00:14:00] to to be able to experience that so I wanted to add that in as well 

Kamal: So what is it special about these lives is it?

Marta Krupa: Just You just end up patting yourself on the back afterwards. You're like, Oh my God, I faced my biggest fear. Like I, you know, all these people are just watching you and you're just kind of like, Oh my God, knowing me, I'm so clumsy. Like, what if I fall? What if I trip? But you know what, that's just part of life.

It's just cool to be able to, to do those things and to be able to experience it in your one, at one point in your life, you know, I'm also doing it because I, it's something I've always. It's something that I've always envisioned myself doing as a kid, but it's also something I could be proud of to tell my kids one day, you know, that like, Hey, your mom was on Dancing with the Stars in Poland.

Your mom was on the live TV talk show performing now she's recording music videos and stuff like that, you know, like, I think that's just some, that's like an experience to share with your kids one day. I think it's beautiful. 

Kamal: So would you, [00:15:00] I don't know if. You don't have kids. No, not 

Marta Krupa: yet. No, not yet. I wanted to have kids.

but that didn't work out. Okay. So, I know my, my clock is ticking, especially, you know, from what others have said to me, they don't want to waste my time. And, you know, you have to like, but I don't like to rush into it either. I want it to feel right. And it has to be with the right person. So, yeah, eventually that's the goal is to have a family one day, I think.

Yeah. Having a family is the most beautiful thing ever. I think, you know, finding love is beautiful. I think that's like the true meaning of life. Like career is one thing you're doing, you know, you have a career and you're doing the things you love to do. But at the end of the day, you're not going to take that career with you to your grave.

You know, you have your family, you have that unconditional love. And that is what is the most important. 

Kamal: So what does family mean to you? Like personally, 

Marta Krupa: it just supporting one another, being there for each [00:16:00] other, you know, through your highs and lows, encouraging one another. I think, of course you're not always gonna Think the same way as your family members.

Sometimes I tell people I feel like an outsider in my family because we all have different personalities. But at the end of the day, we're so close and I know if anything ever happens, they're going to be there for me just as much as I'm going to be there for them. And I think that's like so important because people go through transitions in their lives and they go through ups and downs and You realize who the true people are in your life when you go through your darkest moments, when you go through hard times.

Those are the people you want to stick with, and mostly, for the most part, are. Believe it or not, I've been through a really bad experience, and my family was there for me more than anyone, and maybe like a few handful of people. But everyone else, like, they just disappear from your life if things go wrong, you know?

And that, I That's not [00:17:00] love in all different forms of community. You know what I mean? That's, that's just, that's why family is so close to me. 

Kamal: Speaking of which, because I see, you know, in your social media, you do a lot of, you know, things with your sister, Joanna. So how, What is, what was her role in influencing you to pursue this career or in general in life?

Marta Krupa: Oh, you know what? it's so crazy because a lot of people compare us all the time. And when I first started out in the show business in Poland, people are like, Oh, her sister, her sister, her sister. I have an identity and I have a name and I have my own personality and I have my own views on life and views on things, you know?

And I think it's, it's, That's the comparison. It makes no sense because we're two complete different people. We do share our passion for animals, which is Connects us more than anything in the world. but I think she's a very strong, and I consider my myself strong, but she's more like [00:18:00] strong . Like strong.

Like you can't, you can't mess with her. You, everyone knows, everyone that knows my sister, they're like, oh, you don't wanna mess with her. You don't wanna get on her bad side. I'm more of an empath. I am more of like a delicate. sensitive person. So we're just different. And people say it's like oil, water.

But at the end of the day, we connect. But yeah, I compare it. There's no comparison. We're just so different. It's crazy. But we love each other so much. 

Kamal: We love her, too. If you have like a magic wand today, I give it to you and you can do Anything he wants, what would you do? 

Marta Krupa: Fly. 

Kamal: Okay. I was more talking in the career wise, but okay.

Marta Krupa: It's crazy, ever since I was, I was a little girl, I have a wild imagination. Like I just, I always pictured myself like flying in the sky, like an Aladdin. All right. [00:19:00] Well, magic wand, I was assuming. Okay. So let's do 

Kamal: this. Yes. You got two wishes. You can do two things. Let's do one career wise and one crazy wise.

Marta Krupa: Career wise. Oh my God. when it comes to music, maybe, I don't know. You want to sing with, I don't know. 

Kamal: just, 

Marta Krupa: I would love to do a collaboration with either like, a big DJ or another artist. And I think that would be amazing. I'm very into club and EDM music, but I like all different types of genres.

And it's not just the music that I can see myself doing. I can see myself doing a lot more, musicals, you know, I was in musical in school and I, I, I, or even like filming, you know, when I. Just being on set and filming a movie. I was I felt like I would love to do it all basically It's really hard to just pinpoint at one thing Although right now I am mainly focusing on just music but I want to [00:20:00] explore it all and I want to end up having the power to have my Own animal sanctuary one day and save a lot of animals because i'm a big animal lover 

Kamal: I see.

I love that. Yeah. Animals are everything. you have two dogs, two beautiful dogs, right? We were talking about them last time. Yeah. 

so I'm going to switch gears here and talk a little bit about, your personal life. was there a moment in your life that you felt powerless and you just wanted that moment to be gone?

And how did you overcome that moment? 

Marta Krupa: Yes, I, I did have moments like that, that I felt powerless. you know, they say when you're an empath, you tend to attract narcissists and there are narcissists that kept appearing into my life and I was just like, what is going on? Like, but yeah, I, there were, there were a lot of moments [00:21:00] where I felt powerless.

I, I didn't feel good enough. I didn't feel like I was capable of doing the things I'm doing now. You know, like I, since I told you, since I was little, I was just like, I, I, I always wanted people to just believe in me and to, and I always just, I never had that kind of support system that I needed. So then I just made me feel so little and invisible sometimes.

Cause I was always like a people pleaser. I was always the giver. I was always the person that's like. You know, hey, whatever you want to do i'll do and i've learned a lot from that and it made me realize like no Marta, you can't keep doing that people are gonna take you for granted. They're gonna you know walk all over you you're gonna end up being a doormat like it's just not healthy because When you're too nice of a person There's one thing of being kind and being too nice and i've learned to Get to a point in my life where I don't want to be too [00:22:00] nice anymore because I don't want to be taken for granted.

I'm very, I'm very loyal. And when it comes to like friendships, family relationships, I've always been that person that they could always rely on me if anything goes wrong. And I will jump in front of a train to save someone's life. You know, that's the type of person I am. I'm always there for others, but it can, It bites me in the butt a little bit because that's when people are like, oh, it's okay.

She'll be there I can do whatever I want. She's not gonna go anywhere. So I guess throughout the years it made me realize And then people calling you for being highly sensitive for being an empath. I mean, there's only like 2 percent out there. Apparently that's what they say. And that's awesome. I love it.

And I embrace it because I learned how to connect with people on a deeper emotional level level level level. And I'm a good listener and I love talking to people and I love helping others. [00:23:00] but from this experience, from the experiences that I've been through, I think, I think, you know, I, I did feel powerless, like, and I'm not like that anymore.

I am a strong, bold, beautiful woman, and if someone tells me I'm weak or I'm not good enough, it goes from one ear and out the other, because I know deep down inside who I am and my self worth, and I would never change place with, like, I wouldn't change shoes or with anyone else. Like, I'm proud to be who I am.

I love my heart and I would never sell it to anyone. 

Kamal: So tell me, tell me about that moment when you said enough is enough. I got to change what sparked that shift in your state of mind. 

Marta Krupa: just feeling low vibrational, you know, those low vibration, Feelings of those. It's just not healthy. It's not healthy to [00:24:00] feel a certain way.

And it just made me realize like, you know what there's more to life and there's no need to be Hard on yourself for having these emotions because you are going to have different types of emotions, especially if you've been betrayed by many people, you know, so of course you're going to get to that point in your life, but You know, I realized that you know, what the only person that can help me is me You And I need to really take control over my life because I know I have so much to give that I ended up going to therapy and that helped.

But I had to go through, of course, a couple of different therapists, to meet the right one. Because it's like meeting your person, you know? It's you're gonna have to go through a couple to see if there's that that chemistry. And chemistry's not necessarily with a relationship, with a Your other half, but it's also in friendships and whatnot in work and everything So I found someone that she [00:25:00] was a blessing in my life and she helped me a lot and I worked a lot with horses and And I also read I was reading a lot of books.

I was Journaling a lot and that's when I started songwriting because believe it or not I would I wasn't songwriting before it's just something told me So just While you're, like, writing, journaling, something told me you need to songwrite. So, it's like my intuition, my spirit, or, or, the higher, you know, like, I don't know what it was, but something just told me you need to start writing songs.

And I'm like, okay, I'm gonna do it. I'm finally gonna do it. 

Kamal: So, tell me about the process of writing, you know, your songs. What's the process? What is your routine? What's your inspiration? How do you do it? 

Marta Krupa: I just write down everything that you feel. Obviously, it has to all make sense. When you're journaling, you could just write a bunch of different stuff.

But like, when you're songwriting, and I actually do have a songwriting [00:26:00] partner that's in California that I would connect with because she was originally going to be my voice. Voice coach and then her and I was like, you know, I want to do something creative. Like something came up to me about songwriting.

Let's sit down and have a session together. So, thanks to her, she actually did help me a lot in developing those skills as a songwriter. But yeah, you just start writing about things that you're feeling. I mean, I've written so many songs and it was so healthy and it was so therapeutic for me at that time.

And till this day, cause clearly healing's never over. You're always going to be healing for the rest of your life. So, You know, as much as people say that, Oh, once you're healed, you're good to go. No, people, you heal every day, you know, like, it doesn't work like that, but yeah. 

Kamal: So tell me, how's your living in Poland has influenced your music style?

Was there a, or even I would like two questions there. So growing up as a Polish American, how's that influenced your music? And now actually living in Poland. [00:27:00] Influence your style your music style. 

Marta Krupa: I'm still trying to figure out the polish style 

Kamal: interesting Okay, 

Marta Krupa: Clearly it's a little different. I mean, I just started with releasing music not too long ago So i'm still trying to feel it out like what works in this show biz in poland and what works in the u.

s But obviously I would like to be more international So obviously i'd like to write words in english, but living here in poland. I should record And that's actually in the works of recording a song in Polish. So we'll see how that goes. So I think that would be really cool. I think it would be fun. And I think it's something I can totally do.

but yeah, I think the style is a little different here than it is in the U. S., you know. So, I'm still trying to figure it out. I'm still trying to 

Kamal: figure it out. So what would you say is the main difference like there in, you know, in the American show business and the Polish show business? Like the [00:28:00] mentality is 

Marta Krupa: the mentality of the show.

Gosh, you know what? It's really I feel like people are the same everywhere in the world. Interesting It's really hard to say that you know it's better in poland than it's in the u. s or it's better in the u. s than it is in poland because personally for me Right now, it's not where I was living in the U.

S. I didn't feel as safe as I feel as I do living in Warsaw. Like, I, you know, you can go out on the street and you just feel so safe out there. It's just a lot of things are kind of falling apart and it's sad to see and witness it. So I, it's like, but the showbiz though, it's also different, but I don't know if it's 100 percent different because I feel like people are the same all over the world.

So it's really hard to compare. But you know, it's yeah, I don't know how to explain that one actually to be honest with you I really don't because I feel like i've dealt with different types of people from all over the world I've dealt with [00:29:00] people who are just moochers who want to just Take advantage of you and just want to like They're like leeches and they just want to take and take and take and take And i've met people in the business that are more like i'm just into myself I can care less about other people and they're more selfish.

So It's really hard to say. It's really hard to compare. 

Kamal: What do you think about the Polish artists, mainly the ones, you know, the ones in the music industry, about their talent when you compare with the crazy international talent? Where does Poland, you know, fit in that narrative? 

Marta Krupa: This episode is sponsored 

Kamal: by Meknes, a brand where Moroccan craftsmanship Meet modern luxury for our Warsaw confidential listeners.

You can enjoy 15 percent off your purchase by using the code Warsaw15 at checkout [00:30:00] Meknes. com. Thank you for supporting our show for listening, watching, and subscribing. 

Marta Krupa: The, the thing is like when they're going to the U S a lot of these artists think that, okay, I'm going to go to the U S and I'm going to pursue the industry out there, but.

Big problem is, and that's not just in the US, but internationally, like the accent, you know, when they sing in English and then automatically, you know, people are like, Oh wait, no, like that doesn't work if you want to be more worldwide and international. So that's also something I'm, I'm good. And I'm working with, you know, with a voice coach and stuff to make sure when I do record in Polish, I don't have an American accent.

You know what I mean? So it works both ways. but as far as talent, I think people out here are very incredibly talented. Like the music artists, and it's, it's inspiring to see how well they do. And even in the U. S., I don't know, like, just even having the courage to go up on that stage and perform in front of all these people, [00:31:00] like, that's badass.

Kamal: Tell me about like the most difficult thing that you struggle with when it comes to music. 

Marta Krupa: You can't just rely on music alone, basically. That's like the, the hardest thing is in the music industry, especially, I mean, just anywhere in the world, but you can't just rely on that. You have to have plan B and plan C.

You know, some people are going to like your music, some people are not going to like your music. That's normal. Some people are going to like your voice, some people are not going to like your voice. That's totally normal. And I'm okay of that. I'm okay with that. It doesn't bother me. So. Basically, I just can't just rely on the music alone and that's not the only thing that I want to do.

So if that makes sense, 

Kamal: it does. I appreciate the honesty because that's from, I consider myself a little artist because I write books and I do these things and I do understand the struggles. 

AD: And 

Kamal: so. When I see someone and I meet someone and they are, they want to be [00:32:00] a singer, they want to be an actor and they always ask, Hey, I want to do this thing.

And I see the spark of optimism and hope in their eyes. And I'm like, should I tell them the, the, you know, and obviously the hard truth. Because I don't want 'em break their heart and just tell them, look, this is how it's gonna be. . Yeah. You're gonna go through some hard times. Not everyone breakthrough, not everyone make it to the top.

And so I'm trying to balance that message. So what would you say to a person, to a girl or, or a boy or little girl or a little boy who is trying to pursue a career in music? Which would you tell them? 

Marta Krupa: But believing in yourself and do it, go for it. You'll never know until you try. And if, if it's something that you've always wanted to experience and fulfill, regardless if it works out or not, at least, you know, back in the day, I mean, at least, you know, that you tried and you went for it.

And that's the [00:33:00] most important thing. Like there are so many talented people in this world that have been in this industry. Yes. So when people tell me like. Oh, I just started my career all over again. I'm from, I'm basically starting from scratch to build my, you know, my name and everything like that. And I am so blessed and grateful that I've come so far.

I know there are so many talented, incredible people out there that have been in it for, God knows how many years and that still didn't catch their first break, but you can't give up It's never too late. and also You have to understand you could have one hit movie one hit song one Something can happen and then all of a sudden your life can change It's all about what you believe in here If you're gonna go into something and not believe that you are capable of doing it and you can actually do it Manifest it and it can happen, then it's not going to work out for you.

You have to believe in yourself, but it takes a lot of work. It takes a lot of [00:34:00] work to get to that point. 

Kamal: Would you want a life of, let's say, Powder Swift? Because she's absolutely killing it these days. She's like, Concerts out of concerts, arenas and all, but because often in the music feed, we talk about the burnout, like the artists, they don't want to do this tours anymore because they feel like they are exhausted and they just cannot do it anymore.

And I say that it's funny because I've been to a Justin Bieber concert here. Oh, 

Marta Krupa: really? I haven't been to a Justin Bieber concert. That sounds fun though. 

Kamal: Hey, in Krakow, right? And it was like 2015, I think. And I was at that time, I, My, my ex, she, she was the biggest fan of Justin Bieber. She was like, we have to be in the front.

You have to be there. They're like, okay. So I managed to get some, some seats, you know, in the front row. And I could see Justin, he was just, he was like the shadow of himself. And later [00:35:00] on, it came some reports that he had this sickness or something and he had to stop the tour. So, so that's why I. fees like in the music, you know, industry is either you have this, you are like a struggling, starving artist or just super highly successful.

So would you want that? 

Marta Krupa: I think balance is key in anything that you do in life. I think that is the most important thing. Having that as taylor swift. Yeah But then you don't have privacy either, you know, it's It does sound exhausting and overwhelming because sometimes you look at some of these artists and you're like, wow they're on tour like and they like All the time and then they have concerts back to back, but you can do that.

Of course. Cause it's, yeah, I would love to do that, but I need a balance in my life. I think balance is essential for your, mental health, [00:36:00] for, your health, for your wellbeing. I think it's very important. I mean, if you want to be burned out, yes, you can have, get all these offers and take, take, take, but then.

You kind of lose yourself. You got to, you got to make sure you take care of you. You know, your wellbeing is the most important thing ever. So, and it's always healthy to be mentally prepared for the showbiz life. You know, if I did this, 15 years ago, being a highly sensitive person as I am, I probably would be really hurt by some of the things that people say, but now I'm in the place where I don't care, like I really don't because it automatically makes you realize like if, if these people are.

Saying this about you, then you kind of pity them a little bit. You feel sorry for them. Like, Oh, they have a lot of work to do. This is not the kind of energy they want to attract in their life to, for things to progress in their lives. So [00:37:00] you just don't get bothered with it anymore because you're on a higher level.

You're on a different elevation than certain people, spiritually and mentally and all of the above where you're like, no, they don't vibe with my alignment. We're not in the same alignment or energy field. 

So then you get to a point where you're like, I know I'm going off topic right now with the music, but, but my, my thing is, it's like the same thing with friendships, right?

Or with your light, as your light shines brighter, your circle gets smaller. And that is so true from witnessing, from living here, pursuing the industry, how people just disappear from your life. Or they want to see you fall. They want to see you fall. There are people that do want to see you fall. Like they know I've been through a hard time.

so then they probably assume, cause I've been through a lot and they probably assume, Oh yay, Marta's not going to thrive and she's not going to flourish and she's not going to. She's going to go the other route. And I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, [00:38:00] I'm not doing that. So, but your circle does get smaller as your light gets brighter.

That is a hundred percent true. 1000%. 

Kamal: It's funny you mentioned this, but this exactly what happened to me personally this year, I have, I would say lost like four friends at the same period. And I was so, I was wondering why, what's going on until recently. I had just. I somehow accepted it, you know, and I let them go because for me, so because you mentioned something earlier about narcissistic, you attract narcissistic all the time.

So one of the qualities I live by is loyalty and integrity. I'm a very loyal person, so I base my relationships on loyalty, but unfortunately I always end up with people who betray me. And I'm seriously. Thinking I'm asking like why 

Marta Krupa: you know what you wonder why sometimes these [00:39:00] people start disappearing from your life But it's like it's it's as if you're being because people are You're being protected from these people, you know, that's what it is I look at it as protection because I always say god hears things that you don't hear god sees things that you don't see You know when you're in the crowd with people and you're sitting at a dinner table and then you hear so and so talk badly about Another person then you automatically think like oh my god I don't really want to surround myself around that kind of energy.

Like I want to start attracting You Positivity, I don't want people putting other people down because I've been put down pretty much my whole life so I know exactly how it feels so I You know when you start trying to like I like I said earlier to you early it's better to have a small circle of like solid people who will be there for you than to have people that are gonna Badmouth you or or say things behind your back or betray you and you said betray [00:40:00] And it It's sad.

I've, I've dealt with betrayal and it's, it amazes me how people can actually sit there and look at you straight in the eyes and pretend like it's the saddest thing. It's like eye contact and like, and just like speaking from like, I'm talking all spiritual now, but like soul soul, like it's so important.

Like loyalty is very important to me too. And, And I think it's like I don't want those kind of people I think it's you got to look at it as a blessing that you don't have those people in your life anymore because you are Being protected like like they say we all have guarding the angels they don't want these people in their lives because they're not on the same frequency they're not on the same alignment as we are and That's okay.

And that's good that you've accepted it because I think That acceptance is key in anything you do if it doesn't work out with a relationship You get to a point where like well, then that wasn't meant for me and I deserve something better, you know, and you accept it That's just part of life, [00:41:00] but you're gonna deal with that with family with friends with you know relationships, I mean that's just part of our life lesson and our journey is to learn and grow and to become the best versions of ourselves and not let like Snakes come near us.

That's all. 

Kamal: I like that. Yeah, the snakes. That's that is true So if you if you're able to go back in time Where you were a little girl and change something change a location or a job or something What would you do or if you? 

Marta Krupa: When if I was a little girl, would I change what would I change 

Kamal: or let's put it in there What would you say to young?

Marta Krupa: I would tell young Marta, you are enough, you are worthy, and you are capable of anything your heart desires. Don't let anyone try to stop you, and do not let tell, let anyone tell you that you can't do it. 

Kamal: [00:42:00] Yeah, 

Marta Krupa: be bold and brave and courageous little Marta, you got it, you got, you got what it takes.

Kamal: Beautiful, I like it. 

let's talk about love. 

Marta Krupa: Okay. 

Kamal: I wanna talk about, you know, relationships, how do you see them in this age, in this, you know, era, the social media era. huh. And what do you think is important in a relationship nowadays? 

Marta Krupa: I love that. Love I love being in love. I love I live in fairytale land Since I was a little girl.

I've always listened to romantic music Watch like chick flicks. I I mean I till this day. I still love watching shift chick flicks But you watch it and people are like Marta you live in la la land This is not how it is a reality and which is true. It's not until you meet The right person that shares the [00:43:00] same values and morals and, and, and you guys just vibe on the same level.

I mean, don't they say that you end up attracting your twin flame or there's your twin flames out there somewhere, your other half, your soulmate. but I know apparently you could have more than one soulmate, they say, but I don't know. but I love love. And that's my problem is that I, I, I don't know. I yearn for it, you know, I yearn for love because I'm a very hopeless romantic.

But I do live in people are right. I do live in la la land and in today's world in today's society It's very hard to find that perfect person not perfect. No one's perfect, but to find that Yeah, the ideal relationship because everybody's out there searching for the wrong things you know superficial Materialistic things, you know, they're People, men and women, like, go for things that aren't, that, [00:44:00] everything's like all an illusion, you know?

They go for things that don't really matter, and that's what I was saying earlier about, like, family, too. It's just like, don't you want to find that person who's gonna be loyal till the day that you die? And that's gonna always have your back, and that's gonna stick up for you and support you no matter what and whatever you want to do in your life?

Like, those are the people you want to find. In your life, right? So, but to find the perfect partner in today's world, it's hard. It's very hard. But I'm also not a serial dater. That's the thing. Like once I get out of a relationship, I need that time to heal. people jump into relationships like this, and I think that is like the most unhealthy thing that you can possibly do because you don't work on.

What you need to like you don't work on yourself You don't work on becoming the better version of you Like why would I want to go from one relationship and bring all that old baggage into my new relationship? It's not fair to my new [00:45:00] partner You know, and I'm the type of person that I, I want to make sure the air is clear.

Like none of that is like lingering behind me because I, I do believe that, you know, I, I don't think it's healthy to jump into another relationship. Some people do, and some people have a success with it. I'd rather be single and happy 

Kamal: than, 

Marta Krupa: than be in an, in a relationship. A toxic relationship again 

Kamal: just to be in it 

Marta Krupa: just to be in a relationship just because of the satisfaction Just because I can't be alone like I can be alone.

I'm okay with being alone but of course you have to heal before you're ready to move on to the next chapter in your life So 

Kamal: are you seeing someone right now? 

Marta Krupa: No, 

Kamal: no, so let's say You're gonna meet someone. So what that person that's man, like what qualities are you looking for? someone that can make me [00:46:00] laugh.

Marta Krupa: Someone that is very supportive in my career choices and everything that I do that doesn't hold me back Someone who's close with my friends my with my family someone that takes time to Spend time with me Is consistent in the things they say and they do that is a romantic that has a big heart Loves animals.

I can go on and on and on my list. It's like a little too much sometimes when I look at it But I'm like, can I get at least like 

Kamal: a couple like the basics? So what are the top three? Let's let's focus on the top three the 

Marta Krupa: top three and loyalty Support and respect 

Kamal: So, okay, here's another question for you, and it's not a softball.

oh. So, what would you, what did you learn from your last relationship that you would bring to the new relationship? [00:47:00] Something that you will not do again. 

Marta Krupa: What I would not do again in my next relationship. Or 

Kamal: do more. 

Marta Krupa: I would not give up on myself. I would not give up on my career. I would not basically live their life anymore.

Like, I, I want a balance. I, you know, I want to support them, but I want them to also support me. I don't want to be too nice or taken advantage of. So I think what I would do is in my next relationship, I just wouldn't want somebody just basically just set boundaries, stand your ground and speak your voice and speak your truth.

Don't let people put you down. Don't let people make you feel not worthy enough. And that's one time when, if I'm dating someone and I see those red flags, I'm out, like I am not willing to connect with a person that's going to make me feel a certain way. So, [00:48:00] and that's already. That's something I would already know, you know, like I listen to my intuition.

That's what you got to do Always listen to your gut a lot of times what happens is you try to avoid it and you don't listen to your intuition And then you're like, oh man, it was right all along And then you're in denial and then you're like, oh my god, what was I thinking? Why didn't they listen to what I was feeling?

So, yeah, it's a lot. 

Kamal: No, it's not a lot. I think it's, it's genuine and it's, you know, the least you can ask for, right? yeah. 

Here's the thing. I do not like the expression of red flags because I wanted to ask you what red flags you're kind of looking for or that you would spot and then that would turn you completely off.

Marta Krupa: yeah. 

Kamal: But I would ask I would say I would steal what what are the red flags? 

Marta Krupa: I don't what I don't like when people play games. 

Kamal: Okay, 

Marta Krupa: I like consistency. I like consistency. I I [00:49:00] don't like when people Don't message you after hours and hours. It just takes two seconds to reply to a message and then you kind of pick up on it and you're like, okay.

Well one they're either a player two They're just playing games Like they think it's going to make me attracted to the person more. It actually makes me less attracted to the person. I don't go for guys like that. Like I, the old Marta would, you know, the, the unhealed version of myself would go for men like that.

But like now if they show me signs of inconsistency and they play games, I'm like, I don't want that in my life. I want somebody to be like, like know what they want and just be straightforward and to be vulnerable. I think vulnerability is a beautiful thing. And I think sometimes with certain guys, they're afraid to show that vulnerability, vulnerability, and they're scared to express their emotions.

But I think to me, I find it [00:50:00] Super attractive when a guy can just be like, I love you. I think you're amazing. I love this and this about you You know There's me living in la la land again, you know That's so important it's so important 

Kamal: so there's a Phenomenon, you know, it's called ghosting. Yeah, and I think it goes both way from the women's and the men's side so let's say When a man meets a woman, they start talking in social media and she, you know, you set up the date and you're like, okay, let's meet on a Wednesday and everything.

And then you text her on Wednesday morning and you're like, Hey, I'm working. I'm like looking forward to seeing you. And then she doesn't answer. Why is that? 

Marta Krupa: She could be afraid. It's not that she's not interested in you. It's not that she's not into you. She could also be just afraid of like, Oh, do I really want to get myself into this?

Do I really want to go on this date? And then what if I go on this date? Then my [00:51:00] feelings are going to get involved. And then what if he ends up ghosting me? Or what if he ends up like hurting me. People, they don't know how to communicate these days and that's the problem, you know? Like, I think communication is key.

If you're not in a relationship, if you're dating, if you, if you are in a really, like, you have to communicate. You have to talk to each other and tell each other how you truly feel. Like, I know it's hard to let a person down, but if you, you're doing them a favor, because I I know with me, for example, I'm very kind, I'm very nice to a lot of people.

So if I talk to certain, men in my life and I am very kind and nice to them, they automatically maybe assume I might like them. And that kind of breaks my heart a little bit because I, I don't like being douchey . I don't like ghosting people either. So, and I'm still learning that that's something I'm learning.

but. I don't think ghosting is nice. I think it's, [00:52:00] it's, it's not nice at all. It's very, but it works for some people. 

Kamal: Unfortunately, yes. Yeah. It works for some people. I 

Marta Krupa: have girlfriends of mine that are like, Oh my God, I love the challenge. But I'm like, no, you don't. You like the challenge right now, but it's, it's going to irritate you eventually.

And you're not going to want that kind of challenge. I mean, yeah, that's why I don't, I don't go for that. I'm not into that. 

Kamal: So would you say that you are, let's, let's put this question like this. This 

Marta Krupa: is fun. 

Kamal: Can you find love in Poland or would you want to find love in Poland and settle here? I don't know about your long term plans.

Are you going to go back to the U. S. or stay here? 

Marta Krupa: I honestly don't know. I, I, if I, I just, Believe wherever I am with my person, I will be happy. It doesn't have to be in Poland. Doesn't have to be in the U S it doesn't have to, I don't, I could be living on an island if [00:53:00] I'm with my soulmate and my partner and the chemistry is there.

Cause chemistry is very, very important to me then. But like I said, I also won't give up on my ambition, my, my drive for success and do things that I love to do. so. It's really hard to say where I'm going to, I didn't know I was going to end up in Poland, but if I do meet my other half here, then why not?

At least I won't feel as lonely at home and I'll have somebody to cook for or cook together with. Sorry. Cook together with, or he can clean up and I'll do the cooking, you know, 50 50 kinda. 

Kamal: So what are your plans this, these days? What are you trying to work on personally and professionally? 

Marta Krupa: Oh, well, I mean, oh, eventually I would like to settle down and have a family.

that's on my list. that's something I would like to do. It's, I'm not in a hurry. If I was in a hurry, [00:54:00] trust me, I would have made sure it happened. If I was in that 10 year relationship, I would have made sure it happened, but I was, I, you know, everyone had their own timing. And so I wasn't like in the rush and I was, You know, you want to make sure you, when you're with their partner, you're both on the same page and you're both wanting the same things at the same time, because, you know, like resentment and things like that, it's, it's not fun.

Right. So I was willing to wait, but I know that's part of my goal. And the next, I don't know, like a couple of years, that's something, but I also want to like, Work on my career and develop more as an artist I currently like i'm learning how to dance properly So like i've been enjoying doing that, you know taking voice lessons progressing that's what I I I like I like to I like I like to look at the now and the before, like to see how much I've evolved and how much I've [00:55:00] grown.

You know, just because people say, Oh, I haven't been a singer or a dancer since I was a kid. So I don't think I can do it. You can do it. You can, it's never too late to learn even playing instruments, you know, it's never too late to play an instrument. So it's the same thing as a growing as a person. When you get older and you know, you want to be a better version of yourself and you want to move forward in your life and with your next partner, with your relationship.

So at least you acknowledge the fact that you do work too much. So how do you get to a point where you can like take a step back and be like, all right, I'm going to give it my all and give it a shot because if this really bothers the person, maybe I should, Like set some boundaries and set 

some boundaries and try and And it's all about communication.

I think that's so important. Like I, if somebody tells me something bothers them, I try to not do it again. If, if it doesn't feel right as well, you know what I mean? So I [00:56:00] think, you know, I think it's important. I think it's important for, for you to know that as well. If all of your exes are complaining about that, then that must be a problem.

I'm so sorry. 

Kamal: I should find a job, man, in a bank or something, you know, nine to five. 

Marta Krupa: But they also can't, but people also can't complain that you have that drive and that ambition and you love doing what you love to do. So you know, but like I said, balance is key. If you can find the balance doing that and finding a perfect partner and I don't know if you want to end up having a family one day, well then yeah, so of course when you're going to be with someone, they're going to be like, okay, what does this man have?

Is he going to have the time to dedicate a lot of time or at least 50 percent of his time to the child, you know, to be there for them. 

Kamal: These are such 

Marta Krupa: deep conversations, but I love it. I feel like I'm in therapy. 

Kamal: Both ways. You know, I like, I'm asking, you know, it's 

Marta Krupa: great. It's so good. Yes. It's amazing. 

Kamal: I am so proud that you are [00:57:00] here today.

You know, thank you. So any parting words you'd like to say maybe to your fans or your oh god Wait, which camera? 

We got one here this one 

Marta Krupa: here this one here. Oh, okay 

Kamal: through me you can tell me through me. 

Marta Krupa: Okay. Okay. Well, I just want to tell my fans that I hope you guys listen to my music. I hope you enjoy it check it out on spotify and all music streams youtube and Thank you for believing in me.

And for having 

Kamal: me. I don't 

Marta Krupa: know what else 

Kamal: to say. I 

Marta Krupa: really, people make you do that. 

Kamal: Yeah, I know. There's so much pressure. There's so 

Marta Krupa: much pressure and I'm just like, blah, blah, blah. 

Kamal: Like in English 

Marta Krupa: it's so much easier and that's why I like your podcast because everything's going to be in Polish subtitles.

And then finally people can understand the real me. Because I can't say everything perfect in Polish. And then I say something stupid and then they're like, [00:58:00] Oh, that's what she meant. 

Kamal: Ah, I see. Wow. So it's great. This is the real Martha, guys. You know, this is, this is her. 

Marta Krupa: You have, you can write a book about me if you want.

I mean, I can go on and on and on. I, there's so much to say. 

Kamal: Feel free to come anytime, to come back anytime. The show is yours. 

Marta Krupa: Thank you. Thank 

Kamal: you, Martha. It was a wonderful conversation. It 

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